Detalles de producto
- hospitalario
- farmacéutico
- industrial
- alimentos y bebidas
- alimentos y bebidas
- microelectrónica
- laboratorios de biotecnologías
- ingeniería
Filter terminal
Bearing structure: in anodized aluminium with a painted galvanized superior plenum, suitable to house absolute laminar flow filters.
Diffusion grid: anodized perforated aluminium diffuser
Air inlet: side collar (option H), or vertical collar (option V), without dumper (option S) or with dumper (option C). In this case, for the version with the side air inlet flow, regulation can be done from the sterile room.
Perfect seal tightness: thanks to the sealing surface made in a single piece.
Check system: from the sterile room it’s possible to monitor pressure drop as well as perform leak tests.
- Controlled contamination rooms, clean rooms and operating theatres.
- Sterile rooms where laminar air flow is required.
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